I made something for you - mixtape

Hello, friend. 

Feedback is your friend. I welcome information about how I can improve my craft. For instance, when I started leading AllSwell workshops I’d survey at the end of each one, asking participants for their input. What did they dig, what would they add, how could I uplevel the experience? Those contributions helped shape what an AllSwell moment looks and feels like today. 

Early on one of the requested elements was background music during the writing exercises. Custom playlists have become an intrinsic element of the overall experience. To the extent that guests routinely request them after we wrap. So I thought you might enjoy access to some of my “greatest hits” AllSwell compilations…

“Music to Journal By” Playlists:

Try one out and see if there's an impact on your pen-to-paper process. Do you feel more relaxed, a bit looser? Does a compilation spur you to journal for longer, or is it distracting? No wrong answers here. Just notice, be mindfully present to it all.

While you’re exploring, why not create a playlist for yourself? What tracks would you pick for your own journaling mixtape? If you’re inspired to try this out, please hit me back with the link. I'd love to see what you picked, what songs help you feel your most creative. Afterall, feedback is a good friend of mine.


In Swellness, 

Image credit: Morris Engel, 14th Street, NYC, 1983

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