Travel helps us drop into our senses and be present – AllSwell Creative

Travel helps us drop into our senses and be present

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We have been on the move, from the canyons of Malibu to island hopping in the South Pacific with dips into the desert. Travel helps us drop into our senses and be present. Picking up a good read along the way is part of the pleasure, and this month’s AllSwell Reads is a compilation of the better bits we came across on our recent trips. From city planning zebras to arctic waves to an opinion on exclamation points, find something new for your mind to macerate. It’s good for you and it won’t hurt a bit. Oh, and happy Spring [no exclamation point].

Big in Bolivia:  Zebra’s in the Street, The Atlantic

We love creative solutions to mundane problems. Bolivia’s answer to urban congestion? Zebras. Yup, you read that right. Cebritas, as the locals call ‘em, are running rampant in La Paz, Bolivia. They show up at parades, visit schools and hospitals and even make the occasional TV appearance. The cebritas even direct traffic. Don’t believe us? Then you’ll have to see for yourself. Be warned: it’s not at all what you’re thinking.

[Sorry I don’t want to include anything that cautions people from going outside and exploring]

Turning Negative Thinkers Into Positive Ones, New York Times

Practice makes perfect. We’ve all heard it. But practicing being happy? That, apparently, is a life skill that can be increased just like any other. Here’s how, though we would definitely add putting pen-to-paper to the list of happiness hacks.

This Small Island Nation Makes a Big Case For Protecting Our Oceans, National Geographic

If our trip to French Polynesia taught us anything it’s that we don’t go to beautiful places just for the scenery. We go with respect, to explore, to learn, to give back, and to keep these natural gems polished. And in that spirit, take a look at another island nation doing wonders for their surrounding sea critters and ocean.

A Trip To The Arctic Circle In Storm Season, Monster Children

Chilly travel list alert: ten dudes, world class surfing, gorgeous fjords and an amazing Norwegian law called, “allemannsretten.” Monster Children definitely outdid themselves this time. Feast your eyes on their breathtaking experience above. Brrrrrr.

The Graphic Designer Who Maps The World’s Cities By Scent, The New Yorker

Smell is one of the more underappreciated senses, regularly outdone by the showier sight, the indulgent taste and the sexiest: touch. But don’t lose out on your olfactory mojo. Get a waft of this idea: city guides dedicated to scent. What does your hometown smell like? Learn more at the link up top.

How Many Exclamation Points Do Great Writer’s Use?! The Atlantic

Well, how many?! It’s a topic that we’re pretty passionate about (we err on the side of none). The late novelist, short story writer and Jackie Brown screenwriting bad ass Elmore Leonard had some thoughts on the topic we can get behind. Seriously. Seriously! Click on for the deets.


AllSwell Reads April Monster Children National Geographic New York Times Norway The Atlantic The New Yorker

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