Slow Burn

Hello, friend.

This is a first. But maybe not the last. I’m sharing some good news (really good news) with you and also asking for your input.
In my experience, overnight successes take considerable time. Almost eleven years ago I started a little business, an idea really...AllSwell was intended to be an offering to help shift the perception of journaling and inspire more people to find their way to the page. It has morphed and grown in ways I could never have imagined. Since then I’ve led hundreds of journaling experiences in diverse environments. Each one has been rewarding and interesting. 

Along the way people have repeatedly asked me, “When’s the book coming out, Rubin?” I was flattered, but not ready.

I wanted to wait until I’d amassed enough knowledge and experience to truly deliver on the promise of what I believed my book on mindful writing could be. No need to rush, I wasn’t pursuing being the flavor of the month. Some projects require a thoughtful, slow burn. Over time though, I began to recognize that I did have a book in me. I could hear it start to quilt itself together in my head.

A complete newbie to this process, I began assembling a book proposal with input from one of my very smart friends who has successfully birthed many books. There were sessions in her Echo Park writing yurt, arbitrary deadlines that I met and missed then met again. Through another generous friend, I was introduced to an experienced and successful literary agent. One conversation later I had an agent and was on my way. This was real. This was happening.

But first - whip that proposal into shape with my new consigliere’s guidance. No small task. Summer into fall, while friends were sipping cocktails on boats, I was home on my deck typing away with a glass of spring water and my dog for company. And you know what? I loved it.

The process was interrupted at various points by work and life, but finally this winter the day came for my agent to share this seventy-plus page proposal with potential publishers. It just so happened that very week I was slated to be in Los Angeles. But once the train leaves the station, you’ve got to be on it. So I would “speed-date” early morning Zooms with EST-based editors, constructing professionally-appropriate backdrops in my friends’ dining rooms, guest bedrooms, and in one case a host’s guest airstream in order to discuss this book concept with potential publishing partners.

Ultimately, I really wanted to be with a major publishing house because I felt that’s what this subject matter deserves - and needs. I’ve endeavored to bring journaling into environments that aren’t obvious, to help it cross over into places where you might think journaling would be firmly rejected, let alone potentially celebrated. From Miu Miu to Google, Netflix to Dior - major corporations, venture capital firms, business off-sites, luxury brand VIP activations, and beyond - it’s been my honor to bring my mindful writing approach to groups of individuals that might not otherwise have put pen to paper, to reap its life-changing rewards. My hope was that an esteemed publisher would preserve the integrity of this message, helping me introduce it to new audiences. Most recently I put pen to paper, signing a book deal with Simon Element, an imprint of Simon & Schuster. I have my dance partner. Cue the popping cork. But instead of just taking a victory lap together, I wanted to tip my hand and share with you some of the story behind the announcement, a few of the many steps that came before this celebratory moment. I am no twenty-something wunderkind. Perseverance and patience have been key elements of this recipe.

So…that thing you want to do, that creative project that has been whispering in your ear? It’s not too late. You’re not too old. You don’t have too few followers. If I can do it, so can you.

Now it’s time for me to actually write this baby. I foresee lots of porch + laptop time ahead of me. But first, I want to hear from you. What do you want to read in this book’s pages? What elements of journaling, creativity, the AllSwell approach and / or my path do you want to learn about? I’d greatly value your contributions - not least because this whole journey has been possible because of you. We’ve done this together.

Thank you very much for all your support. The book will come out in Spring of 2026, which feels remarkably far away, yet is really just around the bend. As a key member of the AllSwell community, I’ll be sure to let you know well in advance where you can pre-order it, come meet up with me to get a copy, and do some mindful writing together. Because we know: journaling works.

In Swellness,




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